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Writer's pictureLarry Romero

Without the Resurrection...The Cross is Meaningless!

“And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile;

you are still in your sins!” -1 Corinthians 15:17

Jesus with his hands outstretched

Hundreds of thousands followed Jesus during his lifetime! Interestingly, everyone to the person abandoned him upon his death. Even God Himself, as it seems. His closest followers deserted Him.

No one believed His claim that he would be raised from the grave. He had warned His followers on several occasions. He even demonstrated the power of God by raising up three people, the last of whom was Lazarus, His friend, thereby proving it was possible.

Today, as then, there are those who reject and explain away the resurrection testimonies. While the cross of Calvary is undoubtedly the essential truth of the world's salvation, the resurrection, and ONLY the resurrection, makes God's life available to everyone.

The Mystery of the Resurrection was revealed to the apostle Paul. In 1 Corinthians 15, he expounded its significance as part of the Gospel message. To reject the resurrection of Jesus Christ is to reject everlasting life.

“And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins!” -1 Corinthians 15:17

Jesus’s resurrection was not just a baseless claim but an absolute historical event! This is evidenced by those who witnessed the risen Christ firsthand. The proof? They were instantly transformed spiritually. This transmutation is a universal truth for every person who would ever believe that He is alive forevermore.

Jesus speaking to Thomas after the resurrection:

“Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”

-John 20:29

His followers provided a consistent, passionate testimony of the resurrection, even under the threat of death. The resurrection was so profoundly fundamental to their experience that it was all they could talk about.

The Jewish leaders, fearful of someone stealing the corpse, convinced Pilate to have the tomb guarded by Roman soldiers. Under heavy guard by soldiers in peril of their own lives if the body went missing, Jesus was still discovered to be missing in the grave vault.

In the early morning hours, the women arriving at the grave site did so with the expectation of preparing His body for long-term internment. To their surprise...he wasn’t there! In their unbelief and lack of understanding, they accused an angel at the tomb of stealing the body. Instructed to return to the other apostles with this report, they were also met with unbelief.

It’s ironic that women were the first to believe in the resurrection and the first to preach the gospel of His death AND resurrection! “He is Risen!” God has a great has a great sense of humor!

The Jewish chief priests and elders attempted to cover up the crisis (for them) by bribing the soldiers. They knew it happened as He said it would. They had mocked His claim when He was previously among them.

The whole bunch was fearful, faithless, and really quite dense!

In the immediate years following Christ’s resurrection, the resurrection was the predominant tangible witness of the gospel of Christ. This testimony has continued through the eons, transforming everyone who believes. While the cross makes one acceptable to God, the resurrection transforms the individual into the likeness of Christ.

He is ALIVE!


He transforms lives!

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